All 100+ Golden Heart Women Who Care members donate $100 per meeting, 4 times a year, for a total of $400 per year.
You can also mail a check to:
Morgan Dulian - GHWWC
PO Box 80367
Fairbanks, AK 99708
Directions for Grapefund Payment:
Join the GHWWC Grapevine
Click: 'Continue with email'
Enter name, email, and set up a password
Click 'Sign up'
Tell us about yourself (optional), click 'Next'
Upload a photo (optional), click 'Next'
Click 'Continue'
Now you have access to the group page
Click 'Donate'
Edit donations details:
First Donation
Tip (This is NOT a processing fee, but a donation to Grapevine; Not required)
Enter credit card details
Click 'Complete Donation'
Final screen brings you to a link to share with friends and invite them to join our giving circle on Grapevine
Do you need to catch up on payments?
Suzanne Swift from the GHWWC Organizing Committee is here to help you check on your giving history and payment options.
Email Suzanne with questions.